Saturday, March 20, 2010

1 Month Old

Four weeks ago today our phone rang at 6:40am. Today, our son is one month old! Amazing!! We're estimating that he is close to 8lbs now and 20" long (we'll find out for sure later this week).

He loves to look at our faces and he recognizes all of our voices now. When I talk, he turns his head in my direction no matter who is holding him or how far away I am. It's pretty cool to be experiencing all these things with him, yet it makes me wonder what Marnina was like as a newborn. Anyway....Matt is making him do crazy antics like take piggyback rides on Marnina, walk across the floor with sound effects, do hand motions to songs, etc. I just apologize to Elijah and tell him he might as well get used to it.

We took Elijah for his first pictures yesterday. Here are a few of our favorite shots:

This afternoon, the ladies of our church threw Elijah a "Welcome to the Family" shower. It was sweet and the families in our church were very generous to us. We're so blessed!

And lastly, thanks to all of our friends, neighbors, and church family who provided meals, finances, gifts, and hand-me-downs. You are all appreciated more than words can say!!


  1. AHHHH I love the pictures! SO GOOD! He is just adorable! I am so happy for you all!

  2. Great story and I absolutely love the pictures!!

    Michelle G.

  3. Oh my! What a beautiful baby! What a blessing!

  4. Oh my gracious! That has to be the sweetest little face I have every seen! Congrats!

    (jackjujam at RQ)

  5. Thanks for sharing your blog on RQ.
    Congratulations on your new son. He is just breathtakingly CUTE!
    What a precious family you have; you are so blessed.
    Congrats again,

  6. What an angel! We just adopted an infant girl from New Orleans. Congratulations!!!

  7. Congratulations! He is just adorable, as is your little girl!
