This was Marnina's first year in the "big kid" group for the Easter Egg Hunt. She did pretty well - not trampled by the bigger kids and not whiny about getting fewer eggs than usual. Elijah debuted in the Maya Wrap and many folks said "is there a baby in there?" He loves to scrunch up in the fetal position, so he appeared even tinier than the 7lb baby he was.
We had a casual make-your-own-pizza night at home. Marnina did everything but the crust and loves sneaking cheese.
Here are the kids in their Easter outfits.
Elijah just loves his sister and stares in her directions whenever she's talking. Here she is saying, "Elijah, climb up my hair." (We have been reading Rapunzel.)
Our garden was started this month. Marnina planted some flowers and helped plant some of the seeds for our vegetable garden, too. We're growing spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cucumber, radishes, carrots, green peppers, and sugar snap peas. They all did well last year and we're looking forward to another great garden!
And last but not least, here is a story for you. Elijah was not happy that I was playing with Marnina instead of holding him. He laid in his bassinet, crying and kicking his legs. When Marnina peaked in at him, she said "Hey Mama, look! Pants on the ground!"
Pants on the ground...hahaha!